Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Have you ever made a snowman before? I haven't, and for some reason it was just stuck in my head that I had to make one this year. After all I had already managed a wreath and modern white trees, so a snowman seemed apt to add cheer to my home. When I saw some stale bread in my kitchen that was way beyond the breadcrumbs date, I figured I had run out of excuses to not make my very own snowman. 

I processed the bread till it was as close to being a flour as possible, added some white glue and a sprinkling of water. I kneaded the dough that was formed into a smooth, sticky ball, put in some white paint and got ready to shape the snowman. The only part of its outfit I couldn't figure out was the cap, when it hit me, helloooo, why not make it wear a beret instead. And that is how my snowman actually became a very chic snow girl instead! I used a lovely picture of her for a Christmas message on Facebook. 

If you try this yourself, be sure to look up how to make flowers from bread, since it's really the same thing. And finish off your piece of work with a coat of shiny varnish to increase its lifespan. 

What have been your special ways to bring alive the spirit of the holidays into your home? I'd love to know.


At December 26, 2011 at 3:08 AM , Blogger Gayatri said...

This is so cute! I can't believe how creative you are :)

I bring the holiday spirit alive by drinking red wine and eating dark chocolate. And by that I mean, any holiday!

At December 26, 2011 at 11:34 AM , Blogger Priyanka Nayar said...

Thank you, Gayatri, I guess it just runs in the family :P
Ooh, red wine and dark chocolate seems like the perfect way to live it up. Me likes!


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